Test Google's Core Web Vitals

Easily check and monitor your website's Core Web Vital performance for SEO success. Instantly detect opportunities to speed up your site!

Why do you need to test and monitor the Core Web Vitals?

Ensure an optimal website performance


As you are well aware, in May 2021,Ā Google’s Core Web VitalsĀ became a ranking factor. And that’s why at FandangoSEO, we rapidly includedĀ the Core Web Vitals metrics in the monitoring tool. That’s how the Core Web Vitals Checker was born! With a specific section dedicated only to them, we track the CWV performance closely.

Easily measure and detect website areas that need improvement to provide the best page experience.

Why choose FandangoSEO's CWV Checker?

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Core Web Vitals metrics

FandangoSEOā€™s Core Web Vitals checker shows you the performance of your website as a whole, by specific areas of your site, and by individual pages. Instantly check the status of the Core Web Vitals metrics for any designed segment.

Metrics that we measure and monitor:

  • First Contentful Paint (FCP)
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • First Input Delay (FID)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Segmented data

The degree of segmentation that FandangoSEO allows differentiates the app from other SEO tools on the market. And we did it again with the Core Web Vitals checker!

Use the segmentation filters to check the Core Web Vitals performance for a specific page type, section, and page depth level. You'll immediately know in which areas of your website you need to optimize the FCP, LCP, FID, or CLS metrics.

Alerts & monitoring

Using FandangoSEO, you won't have to check your Core Web Vitals performance at every moment. The app monitors the metrics 24/7 in real-time, and the alert system notifies you about any relevant change via email so you can quickly take the necessary actions.

Historical performance data

See the historical trend of your Core Web Vitals performance by metric type. Fandangoseo keeps track of your data history so you can check the progress of your metrics over time. This way, youā€™ll know if you are optimizing them correctly or if you need to apply different optimization techniques.

FandangoSEO review

Get evaluated and obtain additional insights by FandangoSEO. The app scores each metric type with the information collected through the SEO crawler and the logs. This way, you'll be able to double-check if your CWV metrics are performing accurately.

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