FandangoSEO Benefits

What can FandangoSEO do for you?

Our tool was created to fulfill all your SEO needs, from on page and content optimization to technical auditing, through designing outstanding site architecture. FandangoSEO helps SEO experts be even better at their job, providing the best solutions to ensure the best results through deep analysis, detailed track changes and comprehensive reporting. Start using our SEO crawler and Log Analyzer now for free, and discover what you can do:

  • Your best friend for SEO migrations
    Compare staging and live versions of your website and make all the necessary adjustments to ensure optimal site performance.
  • Build a new website
    Check the viability of your new website and test all the elements before running them in production.
  • Launch a new international site
    If you’re interested in successfully expanding your markets, test and build your international websites in a real and safe environment.
  • Fix canonical issues
    Detect wrong canonicalizations and discover where and how to implement their tags. You’ll see a clear structure of your website with zero duplicates.
  • Run regular audits
    Prove your strategies are successful by running quick analysis and have access to complete and useful reports of your website issues.
  • Recover from a penalty
    Identify your penalties, have access to recommendations and tips that are specifically built for you, quickly execute the necessary changes and monitor the evolution.
  • Understand the site architecture
    Visualize the distribution of your website pages to see how you can improve their authority and reduce the crawl depth.
  • Compare your website to your competition
    Stand out from the crowd in your industry by analyzing what works for your biggest competitors. Examine their best practices and apply to your website what fits for your business.
  • Sitemaps
    Make sure your sitemaps are well configured and all your pages are indexed. Weā€™ll assist you in creating ready-to-upload XML and HTML files.
  • Optimize your content
    Improve your authority by enriching your thin content, correcting duplicates and adjusting your texts according to our content SEO recommendations.
  • Optimize for Mobile SEO
    Get your mobile site ready to take on the SERPs by monitoring and fixing all the issues, and implementing our suggestions.
  • Monitor Search Engine crawls
    Find out how search engines crawl your website with our Log Analyzer.
  • Optimize the Crawl budget
    Reduce your website’s navigation depth and create search engine friendly paths to save time in crawling and getting the maximum pages indexed.
  • Spot orphan pages
    Donā€™t miss a single page when drawing your websiteā€™s structure. Rescue the abandoned pages that could improve your interlinking strategy.
  • Monitor all website issues
    Spot and track all the issues that affect your webpage, such as response codes with errors, crawling issues or content needs.
  • Run tests vs. live
    Be sure that everything’s set for a smooth take off. Test all the elements of a new release to prevent errors.

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