Improve your online marketplace SEO and boost organic traffic

The all-in-one SEO platform to scale and grow your online marketplace. Perform in-depth SEO audits effortlessly and get the best insights to rank high on the SERPs. Spot any critical SEO issues before search engines do.

Overcome the biggest online marketplace SEO challenges

Spot critical SEO issues before it affects your rankings

See how search bots interact within your site & optimize your crawl budget

10x your productivity by automating time-consuming SEO tasks

Put an end to keyword cannibalization between product pages

Optimize your product listings and increase your conversions

Ensures smooth navigation that your customers love

How can FandangoSEO help your marketplace website?

Spot critical SEO issues before it affects your rankings

FandangoSEO monitors more than 250 metrics 24/7 to spot any issues that negatively affect your SEO performance. Get email notifications and always stay informed of any changes in metrics.

Monitoring marketplace websites with millions of pages is certainly not an easy task. However, it is essential since a critical SEO error can significantly decrease conversion rates.

See how search bots interact within your site & optimize your crawl budget

By using FandangoSEO, you’ll immediately spot any crawlability issues. Plus, you can visualize your website structure on a single screen to find the best insights to optimize your crawl budget.

It is easy for a marketplace website to suffer from crawlability errors, considering the vast number of pages it contains. This, in turn, will cause indexing problems and visibility loss. Make sure that all your website pages are easily crawlable by search engines.

10x your productivity by automating time-consuming SEO tasks

Schedule your crawls to be launched periodically, according to your needs. Also, customize the alert system to track any specific metric more closely.Ā Leave SEO monitoring to FandangoSEO and focus on other relevant tasks.

Save time and resources by automating repetitive SEO tasks.

Put an end to keyword cannibalization between product pages

See at a glanceĀ which areas and pages of your site are at risk of being considered as duplicatesĀ by search engines. Also, quickly check that you are using the canonical tags properly.

A common challenge online marketplaces have to deal with is duplicate content and keyword cannibalization between product pages. This is basically due to the similarity that may exist between the products.

Optimize your product listings and increase your conversions

Create custom metrics to track specific product pages. You can also use this feature to monitor the content with an expiry date. Keep a close eye on products with shelf-life to avoid revenue loss and unsatisfied customers.Ā Get the most out of your crawl budget by managing outdated product pages properly.

Ensures smooth navigation that your customers love

Measure and monitor the Core Web Vitals metrics to achieve maximum speed on your site. Make your pages load smoothly and provide the best Page Experience to your target audience.

Website speed has a direct impact on sales. Don’t lose customers because of poor website performance.

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