Learn SEO

Are you eager to learn SEO?

Knowledge is power, and learning about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can make a real difference in your website performance! Get the SEO skills you need to increase your websiteā€™s organic traffic. If you were looking for an SEO academy you are in the right place. šŸ˜‰

Master the basics (and not-so-basics) of SEO and keep up-to-date with Google algorithms. We provide you with the best tips and techniques to become an SEO specialist. By reviewing the terms we cover in the SEO Basis section, youā€™ll have completed a well-rounded SEO course!

Apply this knowledge to your website on your own and obtain the long-term benefits of SEO.

Content & SEO Processes

Learn how to create content that ranks high in search engines and master the most important SEO processes to optimize your site.

Google Algorithm Updates & Changes

Google is continually refreshing its algorithm, and itā€™s hard to keep up-to-date. Check out the latest algorithm updates and those that every great SEO should know.

International SEO

Going global? We share best practices to implement international SEO. Expand your horizons and develop a solid global SEO strategy.

Mobile SEO

Optimize your website to make it stand out on mobile devices. Here are some best practices and strategies for mobile.

SEO Basics

Here are the SEO basics for beginners with easy-to-understand explanations. Master the fundamentals of SEO!

Site Speed

Page speed is a ranking factor and has a direct impact on your conversion rates. Learn how to create a lighting fast website.

Structured Data

Provide additional details to search engines so they can understand your content perfectly. Maximize your search visibility.

Technical SEO

Improve the technical aspects of your site to rank high on SERPs. Ensure you donā€™t have crawling or indexing issues. Complex concepts explained in a simple way.

Web Architecture

Learn the principles to create the best site structure for users and SEO. Make your site easy to crawl for bots and optimize your crawl budget.

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