Awesome SEO tool for Blogs

Drive 3x more traffic to your blog with FandangoSEO!Ā 

Run complete SEO audits effortlessly and get tons of tips to improve your blog’s visibility.Ā Get the best topic ideas to create content that ranks on top of the SERPs.

Analyze Your Blog and Improve Your SEO

Avoid sudden search ranking drop

Ensure an excellent crawlability and indexability

Boost your productivity through SEO efficiency

Make every blog article rank high

Maximize your website speed

Optimize your blog’s structure to boost SEO

Whatā€™s the best SEO tool for blogs?

The best way to spot useful SEO insights

FandangoSEO is your best friend to rank your blog on top of Google. Identifying opportunities in SEO for your blog is vital to receive visits from the search bots, free of charge.

The tool was created to help bloggers and new entrepreneurs save time and resources with an intuitive and visual platform. You’ll quickly understand your website structure and find improvement opportunities to boost your SEO rankings.

What are the key benefits for a blogger

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What can FandangoSEO do for you?

Avoid sudden search ranking drop

FandangoSEO monitors your blog sites performance 24/7 to detect any critical SEO issue that may affect your search rankings. Receive email notifications with metric changes so you can address any problem before Google finds it.

Audit your blog effortlessly and get best practices tips to improve your SEO performance.

Ensure an excellent crawlability and indexability

Make sure that search engines access all your blog’s content and avoid indexing problems. By using the Log Analyzer, you’ll see how exactly GoogleBot crawls your site. Thus, you’ll be able to detect any page that may go unnoticed. Also, with the real-time view, you’ll be able to see if search engines are crawling your newest content.

Use log analysis data to make smart decisions, create the best internal linking structure and get the most out of your crawl budget.

Boost your productivity through SEO efficiency

Thanks to FandangoSEO’s monitoring, Bloggers won’t have to worry about errors that may arise on the web and damage SEO performance. The tool sends you the monitoring results directly to your mailbox.

Automate crawls to launch at your desired frequency and customize the alert system to track any specific metric more closely.

Make every article rank high

The NLP Content Ideation tool provides top content ideas that your target audience is searching for. It is a great feature to create efficient topic clusters. Plus, you’ll get keywords suggestions to optimize your blog’s content and make your articles rank high on the SERPs.

FandangoSEO also allows you to get a clear overview of your SEO content status. Find opportunities to improve your titles, meta descriptions, and anchor texts or fix any duplicate content.Ā 

Maximize your website speed

Check your Core Web Vitals performance for your blog pages and quickly detect those that need improvement. You’ll instantly identify those pages with poor performance and see the exact type of metric (FCP, LCP, FID, or CLS) that you need to optimize.

Make your blog load fast and provide the best page experience to your audience!

Optimize your blog’s structure to boost SEO

Visualize the structure of your blog site at a glance. You’ll quickly see whether your pages are linked coherently or if you need to make any modifications to your linking structure.

Improve your site’s click depth and increase page authority for your top articles.

What are the key benefits for a blogger

Mobile SEO

Ensure your blog site is mobile-friendly. Configure the crawls for mobile and check that your mobile version is fully optimized for search engines. Also, you can review if you have implemented the AMP pages correctly.

SEO Data Visualization

We know that your primary task is to create quality content that converts. Thus, we've designed a user-friendly platform, a tool that converts complex SEO data into intuitive graphics and charts. Save time and effort on SEO audits.

Generate Sitemaps

Get your blog pages indexed faster by search engines. Create a sitemap for your blog in a few easy steps. Thanks to the Sitemap Generator, you'll manage to upload your HTML and XML sitemaps quickly.

Get actionable tips from SEO experts

You don't have to be an expert to optimize your blog for search engines. FandangoSEO provides you with tons of actionable tips to improve your SEO. Follow our best practices recommendations and rank you blog higher on Google!

Competitive analysis

Analyze and benchmark your top competitors' blogs to uncover their SEO strategy. Get unique insights that you can also apply on your site and outrank your competitors!

Recommended Plan

Ideal for bloggers ready to take on the SEO world

Plan S

$ 10 /month
billed yearly
  • 15,000 crawled pages
  • 5 projects

Plan M

$ 59 /month
billed yearly
  • 150,000 Crawled pages
  • 10 Projects
  • Unlimited crawls

Plan S

$ 10 /month
billed yearly
  • 15,000 crawled pages
  • 5 projects

Plan M

$ 59 /month
billed yearly
  • 150,000 Crawled pages
  • 10 Projects
  • Unlimited crawls

Try it Free for 14 Days

Full access to all our features

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