Grow your audience by getting your news site on top of Googleā€™s search results

The all-in-one SEO platform to grow your digital publishing business. We monitor your web performance 24/7 in real-time to prevent any critical SEO issues. Find the best SEO insights to make your news site stand out in the SERPs!

Overcome the biggest Publishers SEO Challenges

Get notified instantly of any critical SEO problem

Track Googlebot’s movements in live and make sure it crawls your latest posts

Donā€™t Let Duplicate Content Harm Your Rankings

Increase your productivity with effective SEO automation

Rank on Top with Top Content

Speed up your website and provide the best UX

How can FandangoSEO help your Publishers site?

Get notified instantly of any critical SEO problem

FandangoSEO has a 24/7 Monitoring System to detect any relevant metric change instantly. You’ll get email notifications so you can address any critical SEO issues ASAP.

The content of a news website is continually being updated, and consequently, its structure may also vary. Therefore, it is vital to keep a close eye on any change that may harm your SEO performance.

Track Googlebot’s movements in live and make sure it crawls your latest posts

The Log Analyzer shows you how search engines behave on your site and spend your crawl budget. Plus, with the real-time view, you can see what the search engine is visiting at that precise moment. This will help you detect any crawling issues and confirm your SEO strategy is being effective.

It is vital to ensure that GoogleBot makes good use of your crawl budget, especially on big websites such as digital news or magazine sites.

Increase your productivity with effective SEO automation

Schedule your crawls and track your SEO performance effortlessly. Also, configure the alerts to get notified when any specific metric changes.

Publishers have to create new content without pause, so automating SEO tasks can significantly help improve your productivity. FandangoSEO allows you to automate vital SEO tasks so you can focus on other important areas of your job.

Donā€™t Let Duplicate Content Harm Your Rankings

Considering the enormous amount of content publishers have to upload daily, it is not surprising that one of their main challenges is the duplicate content and keyword cannibalization issues.Ā 

With the Duplicate Content Checker, you can instantly find similar content that may harm your SEO.Ā 

Remember that you should also examine the correct implementation of the canonical tags.

Rank on Top with Top Content

By using the NLP Content Ideation feature, youā€™ll obtain trending content ideas to build effective topic clusters. Additionally, youā€™ll also get a list of keywords you need to use to rank on the top of Google.

Digital publishers should always be at the forefront of what their customers are looking for. In this sense, you must come up with the most exciting topics for your readers.

Speed up your website and provide the best UX

By using FandangoSEO, you can measure the Core Web Vitals performance and track each metric type (FCP, LCP, FID, and CLS). Additionally, you can test a specific page to identify if it requires optimization.

Digital publishers often deal with performance problems due to the quantity of content they upload every day. Having a decent page loading speed is vital to provide a good page experience and rank high on SERPs.

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