Boost Traffic & Conversions to Your Travel Website

The all-in-one SEO platform to grow your online travel business. Get the best SEO insights to rank high on the SERPs and drive traffic to your travel agency website. We monitor your web performance 24/7 to prevent any technical SEO issues.

Overcome the biggest Travel SEO Challenges

Get notified about critical SEO issues via email

Improve your web crawlability and get the most out of your crawl budget

Automate time-consuming SEO tasks and increase your productivity

Create a Website Structure that Enhances SEO

Make sure Google indexes every important page of your site

Speed up your website and get more conversions

How can FandangoSEO help your Travel site?

Get notified about critical SEO issues via email

FandangoSEO tracks more than 250 SEO metrics 24/7 to alert you about any relevant change via email.Ā This way, you’ll be able to correct any critical SEO problem and avoid sudden traffic or ranking drop.

SEO monitoring can be challenging for travel websites due to the constant update of the content and the massive number of pages they can reach. However, it is crucial to spot any change that negatively affects SEO performance.

Improve your web crawlability and get the most out of your crawl budget

By using the Log Analyzer, you’ll be able to detect any crawlability issues and address them ASAP. Plus, you’ll see GoogleBot’s movements in live with the real-time view. This way, you’ll verify if it’s crawling your new content properly.

Make sure GoogleBot accesses all the relevant content you publish on your travel website and get the most out of your crawl budget.

Automate time-consuming SEO tasks and increase your productivity

FandangoSEO lets you schedule the crawls and configure the alert system according to your needs. Automate time-consuming tasks and leave the SEO monitoring to FandangoSEO. Set it and forget it!

Travel industry websites not only do they face fierce competition (including Google), but they also have the challenge of optimizing sites with vast numbers of pages. Therefore, it is essential to gain efficiency by automating SEO tasks.

Create a Website Structure that Enhances SEO

FandangoSEO’s Architecture Map shows you at a glance the entire linking structure of your site so you can quickly detect improvement opportunities.

Having an optimal Website Structure is vital to rank high in the search results and help readers find its content of interest. This can be incredibly challenging for travel sites that are composed of thousands of pages.

Make sure Google indexes every important page of your site

When you run a large site, as is often the case in the travel industry, indexing all your relevant pages on Google is not an easy task. 

Our powerful SEO Crawler allows you to crawl up to 20M pages effortlessly so you can check your site structure and track relevant SEO metrics. Run a log file analysis to see how Googlebot behaves on your site and identify optimization opportunities.

Speed up your website and get more conversions

By using FandangoSEO you can check the Core Web Vitals performance and track each of its metrics (FCP, LCP, FID, and CLS). Additionally, you can apply segmentation to visualize the performance for a specific page type or section.

Travel sites often deal with web performance issues, mainly due to their size. Page speed is a direct ranking factor, and Google has continued to emphasize its importance with the Core Web Vitals update.

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