Maximize Your Small Business SEO

The all-in-one SEO platform to grow your small business. Easily audit your website and get tons of SEO insights to rank on top of Googleā€™s search results. Boost your website traffic and improve conversions with the best SEO practices.

Overcome the biggest small business SEO Challenges

Protect your website from a sudden ranking drop with constant monitoring

Improve your web crawlability and boost your brand’s online visibility

Increase your small business productivity

Improve your local search rankings and get more customers

Rank on top of the SERPs with top content

Speed up your website and get better conversions

How can FandangoSEO help your small business?

Protect your website from a sudden ranking drop with constant monitoring

FandangoSEO keeps track of more than 250 metrics and sends you an email notification about relevant metric changes. This way, you’ll detect any SEO problems before search engines do and prevent sudden ranking or traffic drop.

Web monitoring is essential to spot critical SEO issues before it affects your site performance. However, so many metrics affect SEO that it is not easy to monitor them manually.

Improve your web crawlability and boost your brand’s online visibility

Running a Log analysis with FandangoSEO allows you to see precisely how search bots crawl your pages. You’ll be able to check which pages are the most visited by them or if any pages go unnoticed.

We make the log data easy to understand with beautiful graphs and tables so you can quickly detect improvement opportunities.

Increase your small business productivity

Use FandangoSEO to schedule your crawls periodically. Customize the alert system to receive email notifications according to your needs.

We know that optimizing your site to rank high in Google takes time and effort. Nevertheless, you can make your job much more manageable with SEO automation.

Local SEO

Improve your local search rankings and get more customers

Local SEO is essential for small businesses with a physical presence. To succeed on it, you need to work on certain vital SEO elements, such as schema (local business structured data) or meta tags.

FandangoSEO allows you to instantly check your schema, meta titles, and meta descriptions in addition to many other metrics. Get a list of unique insights and tips to improve your local search rankings!

Rank on top of the SERPs with top content

SEO content can drive a great deal of traffic to your website, but you need to craft it strategically.

By using FandangoSEO’s NLP ideation tool, you’ll find the topics that interest your target audience the most. In addition, the tool helps you optimize your texts by suggesting relevant keywords.

Speed up your website and get better conversions

FandangoSEO measures and tracks the Core Web Vitals performance so you can detect any critical issues. Effortlessly provide the best page experience by monitoring each CWV’s metrics (FCP, LCP, FID, and CLS).

Statistics show that website speed has a direct impact on the conversion rate. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to your web performance.

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