Google Indexing API Integration

What is Google Indexing API?

Search engine bot


Google Indexing API allows you to notify Google when you add, update or remove pages on your siteĀ in order to make Googlebot update its index. This way, Google schedules newĀ crawls, keeping up to date with your content on SERPs, which improves your Website traffic. BelowĀ we highlight some of the things you can do with the indexing API.


What can you do with the Indexing API?


You can perform the following actions using the Google Index API:

  • Update a URL: Let Google know you have a new URL or updated content on your Website so it can crawl it ASAP.
  • Remove a URL: Notify Google that you have deleted a URL on your site. This way, Google will de-index the page and won’t waste your crawl budget on it.
  • Get the status of a request: Check the last notification you sent to Google about a specific URL.Ā 
  • Send batch indexing requests: You can send up to 100 calls in one request asking to update, index, or eliminate your pages. This reduces the number of HTTP connections you have to make.


Google Indexing API + FandangoSEO


Thanks to integrating the Indexing API with FandangoSEO, you can send a URL to Google and ask for it to be indexed. This way, you’ll speed up the indexing process of any page you want.

This feature is available for Plan L and Enterprise. Please contact us for more information.



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