PageType & Section Segmentation

Easy and quick crawl segmentation of your PageTypes and Sections


Perform a Faster and More Accurate Analysis of Your Website


Creating crawl segments in FandangoSEO will allow you to analyze your website in a much more practical and detailed way. Get a clear picture of how your site is structured at just one glance. Learn how GoogleBots interact in each of your segments. This is a powerful tool to conduct an SEO SWOT analysis since youā€™ll soon detect your siteā€™s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Use segmentation in SEO to scale for SEO success!



Create PageTypes and Sections


It’s never been so easy to Segment


This unique crawl segmentation allows you to filter your data using URI, subdomain, HTML value, and Datalayer value. While using all these sources, you also have the option to choose new comparators to filter such as contains, not contains, equal, not equal and matching regex. Additionally, you can also use several conditions at once connecting them with operators ā€œandā€ or ā€œorā€.



One Click to Edit Your Current PageTypes and Sections at Anytime


Once youā€™ve created your PageTypes and Sections youā€™ll be able to adjust them in an instance. Click the Edit link to modify a segment name or its conditions. You can also delete any PageType or Section from the list by clicking the Remove link. Every time you adjust a segment, FandangoSEO will update all your crawls data. This way you’ll visualize your siteā€™s historical information according to the desired crawl segmentation.

Use FandangoSEOā€™s Segmentation to Take Your Crawl and Log Data to a Whole New Level

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