Improve your Website Architecture and Boost Your SEO

Strategically well-designed web architecture is vital for successful SEO performance. You need to clearly understand how your pages are interconnected to distribute the link juice efficiently within your website. It will also help you optimize your crawl budget for better SEO performance.

How to Check Your Web Architecture

Using an effective SEO crawler is the fastest and most convenient way to verify the structure of a website.

FandangoSEO provides you numerous graphics illustrating the depth level of your website. See exactly how your pages are distributed in terms of PageTypes or Sections through your site. Get specific information for each page depth level with a complete list of all the pages they contain.

Get a global view of your Web Architecture

Obtain a schematic diagram of all the internal links within your website. It is something you can easily do in the Architecture Map section. Just by crawling your website, youā€™ll obtain a visual map illustrating all your pages by depth level and with all their interconnections.

No matter the size of your website, FandangoSEO presents it all on a single screen, allowing you to swiftly identify and seize improvement opportunities.

Donā€™t Let Your Website Architecture Destroy Your Google Rankings

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