Essential SEO Tool for Technical SEOs

Run complete technical SEO audits effortlessly crawling up to 20M pages. Identify opportunities for improvement to speed up your site and boost your search engine rankings!

Being responsible for technical SEO, website crawlability, and speed is on your shoulder. Technical SEO involves auditing your information architecture, javascript, structured data, hreflang, duplicate content, and much more. The SEO data you need to analyze is endless and nothing more than complex. FandangoSEO was born to make your job easier.

Overcome the Biggest SEO Challenges for Technical SEOs

Detect any critical SEO issue before Google does

Ensure that search bots crawl your site adequately in actual time

Keep a close eye on URL Inspection Tool’s metrics
Visualize your web architecture on a single screen

Check how Google crawls your website’s JavaScript

Spot any serious SEO issue before your site goes live

How can FandangoSEO help you?

Detect any critical SEO issue before Google does

FandangoSEO tracks more than 250 SEO metrics and alerts you about any relevant change that can damage your SEO performance. Find any bugs that may arise due to a new web release or a technical problem.

Get email notifications with critical SEO issues and fix them on the spot to avoid Google penalties.

Ensure that search bots crawl your site adequately in actual time

See how GoogleBot crawls your site in real-time.Ā You’ll be able to check if you’ve performed a web migration successfully.Ā 

Also, get tons of insights to improve your site’s crawl efficiency. Get the most out of your crawl budget!

URL Inspection Tool API

Keep a close eye on URL Inspection Tool’s metrics

Thanks to the integration with the Search Console URL Inspection Tool API, FandangoSEO extracts and monitors its data 24/7.

Check the status of your web pages instantly on FandangoSEO (index status, robots.txt commands, last crawls, mobile-friendliness, etc.). Also, you’ll be able to find non-indexed pages that the SEO crawler has crawled.

Visualize your web architecture on a single screen

See your internal linking structure at a glance. No matter the size of your website, using the architecture map, you can see how your pages are linked on a single screen.

Check whether your content is connected coherently and find chances to optimize your site structure for maximum SEO impact.

Check how Google crawls your website’s JavaScript

Easily configure FandangoSEO to crawl your site’s JavaScript.Ā Spot any crawling errors and fix them ASAP to ensure that Google can index all your javascript content.

Spot any serious SEO issue before your site goes live

Prevention is better than cure! Audit your site in a staging environment to avoid critical SEO problems once it goes live.

Detecting technical SEO issues in a pre-production website will give you room to address them before they go much more complex and costly.

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