Optimize your crawl budget

What is Crawl Budget?

Google defines the crawl budget as ā€œthe number of URLs that Googlebot can and wants to crawl from your website.ā€ There are billions of web pages, so it is evident that Google needs to assign a limited number of pages to crawl for each site. This number is based on several factors, such as a websiteā€™s authority, accessibility, quality, and speed. Depending on these, GoogleBot will crawl more or fewer pages within the site. You want to make sure to take care of these aspects, to optimize your crawl budget and achieve a successful SEO performance. 

Check your Site Architecture

Knowing your exact site architecture can help you improve your crawl budget. Check your siteā€™s depth distribution. Remember that Google likes to see the maximum amount of content in the first three levels of your site (three clicks away from the homepage).

At FandangoSEO you can check your page depth level by your PageTypes and Sections. You can also obtain a schematic diagram of your website architecture where PageTypes and Sections are indicated. This diagram allows you to see if your content is strategically well located and your pages interconnected logically. Make any necessary change to distribute the page authority efficiently through your website. 

Top Inlinks

Top Inlinks and Top Outlinks 

Find out which pages receive more links within your website (Top Inlinks) or which are those that link more to other pages (Top Outlinks). Do you agree that they are receiving or distributing the right amount of page authority? This information is crucial to understand where most of your crawl budget is spent. If you donā€™t feel comfortable with this, itā€™s time to make some changes to your linking structure.  

How can Log Analysis help to optimize your crawl budget?

Use the Log Analyzer to Optimize your Crawl Budget.

Performing a Log Analysis is the best way to see how GoogleBot interacts when it visits your site. You can visualize the daily hits per PageType and learn where GoogleBot spend the crawling budget. Analyzing your logs, youā€™ll also be able to detect any crawling issues such as orphan pages, broken links, redirects, or server errors.

Content quality

Good quality content can help Google consider your website to be of high quality. This way, Google will assign you more crawl budget to your site. Make sure you donā€™t have any thin content, as well as empty, short, duplicated titles or meta descriptions.

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