Improve Your On-Page SEO

Search engines rely on On-Page elements to determine the ranking of websites. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to these elements. We understand that analyzing and monitoring numerous metrics can be overwhelming, but that’s precisely why FandangoSEO was created!

Website optimization at its best

Revamp your website with our intelligent tools to outdo your competition. Make your website mobile-friendly; secure your pages with HTTPS protocol; find, fix and track issues; easily set up relevant XML and HTML sitemaps… and much more! You can even crawl your competitors’ sites and use it to make informed decisions on your own website.

In addition to providing you with an optimal site structure and good SEO content, we offer smart solutions to help you create a competitive website and boost your desktop and mobile traffic. Run deep analyses of any of your on-site elements and don’t miss out on increasing your organic sales.

If you wish to produce search engine friendly websites, youā€™ll need to consider optimizing several on-page SEO elements and technical aspects. Track all those components with FandangoSEO and ensure the best website performance. Measure your impact to stay on top of your SEO strategy and never stop optimizing!

On-Page SEO techniques for higher rankings

  • Spot, fix and track SEO issues
    Collect and fix all SEO errors that may harm your website performance and rankings. Export the pages affected by the errors to address them quickly. Then, track the evolution of everything you’ve fixed in the past by comparing the website to its previous crawls. Detect and clean significant technical errors and fix them to have a neat website. Find broken links, errors, redirects, canonicals, hreflang, etc.
  • Setup complete and relevant XML and HTML sitemaps
    Generate and refresh all the relevant sitemaps required for optimal user navigation and interlinking structure. Obtain a file ready to upload to your website with just a few steps. Effortlessly create HTML sitemaps to structure your content and search engine-ready XML sitemaps.
  • Get ready for mobile
    Make the most of all the previously mentioned features to build and optimize the mobile version of your website. We can also assist you in developing AMP versions for your top pages or sets of pages. Learn how to be more competitive on mobile, which today outranks desktop searches.
  • Secure your pages with the HTTPS protocol
    Secure your pages for safer navigation and have your website prioritized by search engines in the long run. You need to implement this protocol if you’re running an eCommerce. We help you execute it correctly.
  • Customize SEO reports
    FandangoSEO has developed a complete and customizable reporting tool to help you export all the information you need to solve problems and make the best presentations to your team, boss, or clients.
  • Compare to get the best input
    Check if your SEO strategy is working. Compare your current site with old crawls and your competitors’ websites. Use this analysis to get a broader idea of the potential you’re missing out on.
  • Run the Log Analyzer
    Upload the log file from your server to the log analyzer to verify if your SEO strategy is effective or not. You’ll get a full view of what’s been crawled so you can start optimizing your crawl budget. Compare this information to your crawls and detect orphan pages.
  • Reduce your page speed
    Page speed analysis is key to leading SEO rankings, as no search engine will position a slow website because that’s what most users hate. We give you the best technical tools to reduce the loading speed of your desktop and mobile website.

What are the benefits of on-page SEO?

Itā€™s crucial to have a broad and deep understanding of all the elements that influence your websiteā€™s visibility and sales. Thus, if you count on all these features for your SEO strategy, youā€™ll see your pages rapidly increase rankings and consequently, drive more conversions.

As an SEO expert, youā€™ll want to keep everything tracked carefully and offer the best results to your business.
Explore all the benefits of understanding your on-page profile:

Analyze and collect useful information to optimize your website

  • Run regular audits and become a master of website analysis
  • Detect and fix the errors that block your page from increasing in rankings
  • Fix canonical issues to avoid duplicate content
  • Fix redirects to reduce your crawl budget and loading speed

Evaluate the viability of your new website and test all its elements before passing them to production

  • Smooth and controlled migrations
  • Test all the elements of a new release to prevent errors
  • Expand your market with a new international website
  • Compare the staging version to the live one to ensure excellent website performance
  • Offer a safe environment with the HTTPS protocol

Explore all the benefits of the Log Analyzer

  • Understand how search engines interact with your website
  • Get as many pages indexed to optimize your crawl budget
  • Spot orphan pages and strengthen your interlinking structure

Help Google and other search engines find and index your pages.

  • Be found and indexed by search engines
  • Create and upload XML and HTML files
  • Recover from a Google penalty

Be the king of Mobile

  • Get your mobile site ready to take on the SERPs
  • Monitor and fix all the issues
  • Rock the AMP world

Create outstanding reports

  • Present valuable reports to track all the issues that affect your website
  • Prove the success of your strategies
  • Support your actions with key information
  • Convince your managers with neat graphs

Strengthen Your On-Page SEO

Prevent Traffic Loss with FandangoSEO

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